Professor Ellen Baryshev
Professor Ellen Baryshev


Just in case Menu Color Change
Essential parts for changing buttor and text colors:
li:hover a {color: red;}

Remember, you are working on the user friendly website; usability test is a necessary step.
A usability test can identify problems that annoy and discourage website users, and forcing them to leave your website.
Ask your friends to explore your website. During this test, you observe what they do and what they say without comments, writing down the problems. After that correct the problems

Check your site on several different browsers and several computer screens with different sizes (I will do it while grading your portfolios, so you don’t want to loose points)

2. CSS Learning
- Web Colors
With CSS, a color is most often specified by:

a valid color name - like "red"
a HEX value - like "#ff0000"
an RGB value - like "rgb(255,0,0)"
Example with opacity - rgba:
div {
  background: rgba(0, 128, 0, 0.3) /* Green background with 30% opacity */

- CSS Rounded Corners (image to pactice)
- CSS Stretching background (image or any high resolution photo to pactice)
- CSS background image; materials are in your homework (very easy and fun)

3. CSS practicing, answering questions, working on final project

CSS Study and practice

CSS Legal Color Values: CSS Backgrounds

CSS Backgrounds:
CSS Background Properties
For example:
Background Color
Background Image
Background Repeat
Background Attachment
Background Position
Background Shorthand - background properties in one declaration
Even Background gradient (Though I would not use it):
Example: body{background:linear-gradient(90deg, red, yellow) }
And more

Practice: Examples of several codes for backgrounds
Files for practicing:
Stars.gif (GIF animation, but not a good idea in most cases)
Gradient.jpg (Gradient without transparency doesn’t always work)
Gradient.png (If you need transparency, use PNG file)

Final project

Finish coding two more page of your website, totally four (or more)
Navigation has to work between those pages
Keep all files in the Final Project folder

Practical part 5

Applying your logic
Now when you know how to change something on mouse over, try to make this part:
Make this image visible only when mouse is over the text, something like this:


1. Absolute url vs relative url
URL - Uniform Resource Locator, is an address that indicates the location of a specific file or resource on the World Wide Web.

Absolute URLs always include the domain name of the site with http://www.
Example: <a href = "">
- Improves your site's SEO
- Helps Google with crawling (users can find your site easier)
- Prevent duplicating your site content

Relative links show the path to the file or refer to the file itself. A relative URL is useful within a site to transfer a user from point to point within the same domain.
Example: <a href = "filename.html">
- Easier to code
- Faster load time
- If you change the domain, you don't have to re-code all of the URLs

2. IFrame
An inline frame allows you to embed another document within the current HTML document.
Inline frames are typically created using a second HTML document. This second document contains the content within the inline frame.
You should assigns a name to a frame. This is useful for loading contents into one frame from another.
IFrame code example:
<iframe src ="index.html" name="contents" width="500" height="500" border="0" frameborder="0"> </iframe>
Iframe simple example

3. Video and Audio
Example Video small project (and to do at home - practical 4)

Code example 1:
<video width="320" height="240" controls>
<source src="movie.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<source src="movie.ogg" type="video/ogg">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
Code example 2 with IFrame:
<iframe width="420" height="315" src=""><iframe>

Hint: How to embed a video code from Youtube
- Go to the YouTube video
- Click SHARE
- From the list of Share options, click Embed
- From the box that appears, copy the HTML code
- Paste the code into your website HTML

Attributes of the video tag:
width and height

Code simple example:
<audio controls>
<source src="birds.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">
Audio example

Attributes of the audio tag:
Note: width and height you can set with CSS:
<audio controls style="width: 200px;">

4. Mockups discussions

Study and practice

Absolute url vs relative url

Iframe simple explanation
HTML 5 <iframe> Tag

HTML5 Video and Audio

HTML5 Video
HTML5 Audio

Practical 4: to do at home and submit:Video small project

Final project

1. Correct mockups for each page of your website
Put the new ones in the Final Project folder
2. Code any second page of your website
Keep all files in the Final Progect folder


In the following example with lists:
<ul> is a structurally superior element, that is the ancestor element (parent element)
The first-level <li> is a descendant element (child) of the <ul>, but parent to the next<ul>
The second <ul> is descendant element (child) of the first-level <li>, but parent to the second-level <li>
The second-level <li> is a descendant element (child) of the second<ul>


  • Birds
  • Animals
    • Cat
    • Dog

2. Dropdown Menu
First, example: Menu Color Change
Essential parts for changing buttor and text colors:
li:hover a {color: red;}

W3School General explanation
Horizontal menu with submenus
Vertical menu with submenus
Note: If you want to use dropdown menus, there are several more examples on the Resources page, under USEFUL STUFF part, MENUS headline.

3. The Mockup is a static image representing the website's visual appearance. It typically includes the page's main features like the design layouts, fonts, text, and colors but does not include animations or working links.
Example 2
Example 3 Single-page website
Browsw for more

Study and practice

1. CSS Handout, page 4 - Descendant CSS Selrctors
2. Textbook Learn to Code HTML and CSS, starting from Nesting Lists part to the end
3. Practice with dropdown menu variations

Work on the Final project

Do not forget about classical fundamental design principles plus web design demands!
Video The 5 Design Principles (But in Web Design)
Video Key Web Design Principles: Navigation, Hierarchy and Color

1. Make mockups for each page of your website
Put them in the Final Project folder
2. Finish coding the home page - index.html
Keep all files in the Final Project folder

Practical part 3

Practical 3: Using Internal CSS, create this Layout
Dropbox submission


1. Just to know, but you don't have to follow: Reset CSS (by Eric Mayer)

2. How to hide an element:
Display None (The page will be displayed as if the element is not there; it is removed from its space).
Visibility Hidden (The hidden element still takes up space).
Do not confuse it with CSS Overflow Hidden

3. CSS Web Fonts
Video tutorial - How to use Google Fonts (1.5 min)
Web fonts allow Web designers to use fonts that are not installed on the user's computer.
1. @font-face rule
When you have found/bought the font you wish to use, just include the font file on your web server, and use @font-face rule; it will be automatically downloaded to the user when needed.
@font-face {
  font-family: myFirstFont;
  src: url(sansation_light.woff);
div {
  font-family: myFirstFont;

<div> Some text</div>

Note: if you want to use the same font for the entire site (or page), add the * to the CSS part
* { font-family: myFirstFont; }

2. Google fonts Application Programming Interface
Google fonts
Implementing the fonts is as simple as copying and pasting a given code:
- When you choose the font (of several), click on a little Plus icon to select the font(s)
- Then click on the upper right bag icon (View Selected Families)
- You will see two options for copying the codes: Link and @import
- Link – This is a standard stylesheet link that you’ll place in the head portion of your HTML file.
- @import - To place into your external CSS file for all pages.


1. CSS Handout, page 9 - Google Fonts

2. Web Fonts
@font-face Rule (in case if you don’t find a font that you like in Google fonts)
- Thorough guide to using Google Web Fonts
Video tutorial - How to use Google Fonts for HTML head section
- 20 Best Google Web Fonts
- On the Resources page if you need, under the headline FONTS: more about fonts, including popular fonts now, etc.

Work on the Final project

1. Make several pencil scketches for your website to decide about the layout of each page
2. Make high-fidelity wireframes for each page of your website
Put them in the Final Project folder
3. Start coding the home page - index.html
Keep all files in the Final Project folder

Midterm: 50% Theory, 50% Practical

1. Theory part
2. Practical part
Dropbox submission: create a folder Midterm and put there both parts.
For theory part you can use Word document, just put correct answers next to the question numbers.
Due date - Monday, December 2, before noon.


1. Single-page website
Example: Portfolio
Example: HealthCap
Designers commonly use single-page designs for landing pages or websites with minimal content like About Me, portfolios, small businesses, single-product eCommerce sites, and similar
Also popular sites like Gmail, Google Maps, Airbnb, Netflix, Pinterest, Paypal use single pages
- Keeps users on a single page, which eliminates distractions while increasing leads and sales.
- Allow users to digest the entire website simply by scrolling.
- Helps reducing the website’s size and increasing performance.
And more
- Limits SEO and keyword strategies.
- If it contains a lot of media (images and video), it can increase page load times.
- Can be very long to scroll.
- Not easy to code if it has complicated structure.
- New pages cannot be added.
And more

2. Anchor links
Anchor-jump links are used in a single page to jump to a specific part of a page
Note: Always use ID selector only
Simple version:
First, write the link to the destination, name it as you want, use ID selector:
<a href="#destination ">Go to Destination </a>

Second, position the element with that name and id in any place of the page
<div id="destination"> Some text or an image ... </div>

Example 1
Example 2

Jquery script to insert into HTML head for smooth sliding:

<script src=""></script>
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
    $('html, body').animate({
        scrollTop: $( $.attr(this, 'href') ).offset().top
    }, 700);
    return false;


NEW: scroll-behavior: smooth property Example

3. Sketches, Wireframes, Mockups and Prototype
- Example of not High-Fidelity wireframe and the mock-up that was built upon it
- Example of VERY professional high-fidelity wireframe
Note: At the left are notes for the client; at the right is the mobile version (the site is responsive).
Find several links with the information: RESOURCES> WEB DESIGN> WIREFRAMES

Student example:


Make a website with the subject of your own. It can be any of your favorite subjects, family business, your portfolio, culinary site, etc.
Website has to have not less than 5 pages, starting with a homepage (index.html) and at least one CSS file
It can me single-page/file (in this case you should use anchor-jump links) or multi-page
I think at this point multi-page will be easier for you

Students websites examples

You will start with:
- Thinking about the subject
- Researching the internet finding similar sites for the inspirations - very important!
- Making site map (information architecture)
- Creating high-fidelity wireframes for all pages
- Creating mock-ups for all pages
- Only after that you will start coding

Study and practice

1. Anchor (jump) link
How to Create an Anchor (Jump) Link
2. Single-Page vs. Multi-Page Web Design – Pros and Cons

Work on the Final project

Web Design Standards: 10 Best Practices on the Top 50 Websites – crucial for visitors’ expectations, clarity and usability:     
Strategic web design:
From the above sites:
“Do not avoid these conventions just to be different or unique. Instead, follow these conventions.
Provide consistent navigation”.
“Web design isn’t art. It involves a whole collection of different skills”
“You must think strategically”.

To Do:
1. Thinking about the subject
2. Researching the internet finding similar sites for the inspirations
Important and very useful - make your life easier: Don’t design from your head !
3. Making site map (dropbox submission)

Pactical Part 2 (20%)

Use this file with code to change the layout as it is here.


1. CSS learning: Positioning properties
Note: study positioning very thoroughly because it may be confusing; make sure you understood. It is very important to practice
- Positioning properties : static, fixed, relative, absolute, sticky
- Video: Absolute and Relative Positioning
- Simple examples of position-fixed:
- position-fixed 1
- position-fixed 2

To analyze relative and absolute positiones, opacity, etc. (View Page Source):
Example to study positioning

z-index for visually layering elements
z-index: 3 (the higher number - the higher an element)
z-index: -1; (negative values to lower the priority)
z-index example

- Make 8 exercises (Number 4 needs comma). Try not to look at answers
- Position two boxes next to each other using absolute position property (don't forget about math) HINT
- Create and overlap two boxes using position property, opacity, z-index (don't forget about math)

1. Study and practice

Note: don't forget to study positioning very thoroughly because it may be confusing; make sure you understood. It is very important to practice
CSS Positioning: A Comprehensive Look
- Textbook HTML and CSS: Chapter 15, Controlling the positioning of elements; Creating site layout
- CSS Handout, CSS positioning and z-index - pages 18, 19
The position Property (practice -Try it Yourself links)
CSS Positioning 101 (practice - Examples links)
Video Relative and Absolute Positioning

Why Z-Index is not working?

Pactical Part 1 (20%)

One part of your semester grading is 5 quizzes or/and practical exercises (class or home) 100% total; therefore, each one is 20%. Here is the first one:
Faberge webpage


1. Nested boxes
Practicing counting total pixels:
(Don't forget *{box-sizing:border-box;} )

2. Float
Floating is often used to push an image to one side or another, while having the text of a paragraph wrap
Note: You should always set a width on floated items (except if applied directly to an image - which has implicit width)

Example with an image (for example this one)
CSS code
.left_float {
float: left;

HTML code
<img src="SomeImage.jpg" class="left_float">
<p>Text text text text … </p>

Clear property
Elements after the floating element will flow around it. To avoid this, use the clear property
Inline CSS example:
<div style=”clear: both;”> </div>

Study and practice

Float property
CSS Handout, page 16 - Float Property
CSS float Property
Float property examples
Video: CSS Float and Clear Explained
Textbook HTML and CSS, Chapter 5: Positioning Content Read only material about Floats

Favorite Artist

Submit 100% finished project into the dropbox for grading


1. HTML Lists
<ul> Defines an unordered list
<ol> Defines an ordered list
<li> Defines a list item

2. Converting lists into menu bar:
Reminder: "em" is a unit of measurement used to define the size of text relative to the font size of its parent element (1em is equal to the current font size, and 2em is twice the current font size, etc.)

3. Shorthand coding
- Border example:
border:1px solid red;
- Margin and padding order: top, right, bottom, left
Margin example:
margin:20px auto auto 200px;

4. Going through your Favorive Artist website

If we have time: make these 3 boxes

1. Study and practice

1. Textbook HTML and CSS: Chapter 3, Lists

2. Video Menu with CSS, convert list into horizontal bar
(He did a mistake first putting class instead of id, but he corrected it later. It's a good point to be careful)

3. CSS Handout:
Page 8 - Box vs. List methods
Page 17 - CSS List (including using an image instead of bullet)

4. PDF book: Learn to Code HTML and CSS, Lesson 8 - Creating Lists
From the section: Horizontally Displaying List (thought, you can read the entire lesson)

5. CSS Shorthand properties
CSS Shorthand Cheat Sheet

Class practice answer: 3 boxes

2. Favorite Artist Project

Make 99% of the site
Dropbox submission


1. Principles of good website design
  • NAVIGATION (cleareness, symplisity, consistensy)
  • LOAD TIME (image optimization)

Video - Design/web design mistakes: How To Piss Off A Designer In 40 Seconds

2. Image optimization for the web
Consideration of:
- file format for web
- Image dimension
- file size
- file name

3. External CSS
External CSS is a form of CSS which is used to add styling to multiple HTML pages at a time.
It helps to design the layout of many HTML web pages simultaneously. The external CSS is always saved with the .css extension. For example: MyStyle.css
Each HTML page has to have a link to the external CSS in the head part, frof example:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="MyStyle.css">

4. Email link mailto
Code: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

5. Styling hyperlinks
Full list (do not use all of them in one set):
a:link { } Unvisited link.
a:visited { } Visited links.
a:hover { } The user mouses over a link.
a:focus { } The user clicks on a link.
a:active { } The user has clicked a link.

Usual approach:
font-family: 'EB Garamond', serif;
font-size: 1em;
Note: EM is relative to the current font size of the element; 1 em =the body font size, 2em=twice the body font size, etc.

1. Study and practice:

Video Principles of Web Design, the look and the structure
Article Principles of good website design

Creating images with transparen background (PNG file)
Choosing the Right Images for your Website
Resize Image for Web
Textbook: HTML and CSS, pages 107 – 119, Three Rules for Creating Images

Find several links with the information:

1. External CSS
Thorough explanation (do nor pay attention on media attribute yet):
External, internal, inline CSS:
Good video:

2. Videos Making a simple site with linked pages:
Links: Multipage Website (Part 1)
Links: Multipage Website (Part 2)
Links: Multipage Website (Part 3)

Also, Styling Links

2. Favorite Artist Project

1. Create wireframes for all 3 pages: Home, About, Work (use any program)
Wireframes development is a quite time consuming project; therefore, please do not procrastinate
Dropbox Submission, Favorite Artist folder

A wireframe is the EXACT visual representation of each page layout:
- proportions and positions of all elements,
- font-faces that you will use,
- font sizes,
- boxes for images,
- you can use Lorem Ipsum as text placeholder,
- all smallest details, etc.
- no colors
Wireframe example
Difference between low and high fidelity wireframes:
Low fidelity wireframes contain little to no content and tend to be presented in greyscale.
Instead of actual assets, low fidelity designs contain placeholder text and imagery.
Hi fidelity wireframes contain all the imagery, editorial content, and branding elements that the final product will contain.

2. 80-90% finished website in the dropbox - strong HTML, without much styling (minimum CSS)
Use external CSS
Your navigation might look like this:

<a href="index.html">HOME</a>
<a href="about.html">ABOUT</a>
<a href="work.html">WORK</a>

It is a good idea to look at the codes of students Favorive Artist projects examples

1. CSS Display Properties
Every element has a default display property value (inline, block and some more); however, that value may be overwritten.
The most common are block, inline, inline-block, and none.

For example:
div { display: block; }
div { display: inline; }
div { display: inline-block; }
File for practice

2. Box Model
The box model allows us to add a border around elements, and to define space between elements.
Content - The content of the box, where text and images appear
Padding - Clears an area around the content. The padding is transparent
Border - A border that goes around the padding and content
Margin - Clears an area outside the border. The margin is transparent

CSS Box Model Video

The border-box value alters the box model so that any border or padding property values are included within the width and height of an element.
For example:
div {
width: 300px;
border: 15px solid green;
padding: 50px;
margin: 20px;
A very good idea is to isert this part into CSS style:
box-sizing: border-box;

3. Shorthand coding
- Border example:
border:1px solid red;
- Margin and paddind order: top, right, bottom, left
Margin example:
margin:20px auto auto 200px;

Select your favorite artist and make a website with a minimum 3 pages
Your choice of design, layout, colors, type, etc.
Pages with mininum content:
HOME - Artist name and imahe, short description, link to external sourse
ABOUT - Artist biography and style of work
WORK - Several exaples of artist work
Every page has to have navigation to other pages
Example: Giuseppe Arcimboldo
Also, look at STUDENTS' EXAMPLES on this site

Due dates:
10/8 - Website layout sketch on paper
TBA (long vacation)

1. Study and practice:

CSS Handout: pages 10, 11, 12 - Display properties
CSS Handout: pages 13, 14, 15 - Element Box Model
PDF book: Learn to Code HTML and CSS, Lesson 4 Opening the Box Model (till the part Developer Tools)
CSS Box Model

2. Favorite Artist Project

1. Do some research of similar sites
2. Create a layout with pencil for all 3 pages (or use any program): Home, About, Work
Dropbox, Favorite Artist folder
September 24 - no class
Note: Because we do not have class on September 24, completely finish for a grade your About Me project, Part 2
Dropbox submission

1. HTML learning – continuation
- Display elements: inline vs. block
An inline element does not start on a new line and it only takes up as much width as necessary.
Examples: <a>, <span>, <img>, <small>, etc.
The easiest way to put an inline element on the next line is to use <br>
A block element always starts on a new line, and the browsers automatically add some space (a margin) before and after the element.
Examples: <div>, <p>, <h1> - <h6>, <hr>, <header>, <main>, <nav>, <ul>, <ol>, <article>, <section>, <aside>, <table>, etc.

- CSS Selectors: Element, Class, ID
- Element selector examples: p{ ....}, body{.....}, a:link, a:active, a:visited {....}, etc.
- Class selector: .name {....}
- Id selector: #name {....}
1. You can use class selector in the same html document many times. The class selector starts with a dot (class name cannot start with a number).
2. You should use id selector in an html document just once; usually it is used for any kind of box except for HTML5 semantic elements.

3. You can apply the id and the class to the same element, for example:
#wrapper {
width: 960px;
margin: auto;
.red {color:right;}

<div id="wrapper" class="red">
Content of this box

- * (asterisk) - selects all elements in CSS
Example: *{box-sizing: border-box;}
- , (comma) serves to list the elements, which will be selected together
Example: body, div, span and iframe will have margin 0, padding 20 pixels and border 0
body, div, span, iframe {
margin: 0;
padding: 20px;
border: 0;

- HTML5, very basic structure
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset='utf-8'>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<title>Here goes title</title> 
<style> (for internal CSS)

<li>Menu item</li>
<li>Menu item</li>
<li>Menu item</li>

<h1>Welcome to My Webpage</h1> 


<article> (to define an independent content such as articles, blog posts,etc.)

<small>Company © The name. All rights reserved.</small>


- Typical HTML5 page

- HTML5 deprecated elements (in your handout)

2. Understanding directories

- Always (!) keep HTML files and all images in THE SAME folder!!!
- Always (!) name the home page index.html with all lower-case letters in this folder.

3. Project 1 - webpage "About Me".
Part 2 - independent version:
Due 90% - next class
Start with the pencil sketch of a layout

The page will have:
- Your name
- Your portrait
- Several paragraphs of relevant information
- Several links
- Additional items of your choice

Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
Example 4
Find more layout ideas on the Internet

- Use HTML5 syntax
- Use internal or inline CSS
- The page name is index.html
- Make the page width around 800px
- All files have to be in one folder
- All paths have to be correct

1. Study:

- Learn to Code HTML and CSS, Lesson 2 Getting to Know HTML
- HTML5 Syntax (start with HTML5 Elements part)
- HTML handouts (corresponding pages)
- CSS handouts (corresponding pages)
- HTML Block and Inline Elements
- HTML class selector (attribute)
- HTML ID selector (attribute)
- The Difference Between ID and Class

2. Work on the About Me project, Part 2 - independent version:

1. First, study all the assigned materials
2. Make a pencil sketch of the page layout
3. Finish 90% of coding 1. First, study all the assigned materials
2. Make a pencil sketch of the page layout
3. Finish 90% of coding
1. Hyperlinks (with text and image)
Video Hyperlinks (2:40)
Practice working with Hyperlinks

2. CSS - Cascading Style Sheet (just the beginning)
CSS is used to define styles for your web pages, including the design, layout and variations in display for different devices and screen sizes.
Note to remember: HTML always works, but CSS does not work without HTML in the body
Demo: One HTML Page - Multiple Styles!

- HTML Elements and Attributes

There are 3 types of CSS IN_LINE, INTERNAL and EXTERNAL
In-line styles are inserted directly into an HTML tag to style an element that is inside that tag.
<span style="color: #cccccc;">Some text</span>
Note: the element <span> is used to style text (size, family, color, etc.).

Internal styles are used for one page; they are located in the <style> tags inside the head section of this
page. These styles are referred and applied to the elements that are inside the body of the page.
For example, if you want a paragraph text to be red and its font size 20 pixels, the code should be:
<title>Page Name</title>
p {
color: red;

<p>This paragraph text will be red with the font size 20 pixels </p>
<p>This paragraph text will also be red with the font size 20 pixels </p>

External - With an external style sheet, you can change the look of an entire website by changing just one file!
We will speak about it later on

3. Project 1- mini webpage "About Me".
Due - next class

The page will have:
- Your name
- Your portrait (file should be high quality, with width no bigger than 375-380 pixels)
- A short paragraph about yourself
- Several social media icons linked to the corresponding sites
Example: Ellen Baryshev
Students examples: click on the Students' Examples link, Fall 2023 Semester, About Me project
Hint: to see the code, right mouse click on the page, View Page Source (works on Firefox and Chrome browsers, not on Safari)

Social media icons to use:

1. Study

Book: HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites
(Study whatever we covered in class)
Chapter 2: Text
Chapter 4: Links
Chapter 5: Images

Or/and Book: Learn to Code HTML and CSS
Lessons 1 and 2

Hypelinks (till "HTML Links - Create a Bookmark" part for now)
Sequence of videos:
1. Hyperlinks (2:40)
2. Hyperlink Pages (2:30)
3. Hyperlink - image (6:05)
Images and Hyperlinks (5.5 minutes)
Textbook HTML and CSS: Chapter 4 - Links, pages 79-92; Chapter 5 - Images, pages 94-119;

From w3schools Hypelinks (till "HTML Links - Create a Bookmark" part for now)


2. CSS

1. CSS Handout Read the parts that we studied in class
Note: it is a good idea to print the whole handout and always keep it with you
2. Three Ways to Insert CSS
Internal CSS
Inline CSS
3. Textbook: HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites
Start reading chapter 10, Introducing CSS (whatever we covered in class)

3. Continue and finish working on your Project 1, About Me

1. Put your name in big font size
2. Place your real photo instead of a placeholder image
3. Put several lines of text about yourself
4. Put several social media icons and link them to the corresponding sites to be opened in the external browsers
5. When finish, put all files in the folder "about" in the dropbox.
Codes to use: copy and modify

1. Syllabus and Plan for the semester overview

2. "WWW" - World Wide Web
Short video: 550,000 miles of cable hidden under the ocean
Undersea internet cable

3. Basic structures of a web page

4. HTML - HyperText Markup Language.
This markup language supports plain text, images, embedded video and audio contents, hyperlinks (embedded URLs), and scripts (short programs) that implement complex user interaction.

- HTML Tags

- HTML5 Document
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Page Title</title>
Body content goes here


- Headings
<h1>Heading 1</h1>
<h2>Heading 2</h2>
<h3>Heading 3</h3>
<h4>Heading 4</h4>
<h5>Heading 5</h5>
<h6>Heading 6</h6>

- Paragraphs: <p>This is a paragraph.</p>
- Text Formatting

  • <b> - Bold text
  • <strong> - Important text
  • <i> - Italic text
  • <em> - Emphasized text

- CSS for font size, color, family, etc.

<span style="font-size:30px; font-family:verdana; color:red;">This is text</span>
<p style="font-size:30px; font-family:verdana; color:red;">This is text paragraph</p>
- Break: The <br> tag inserts a single line break.
- One letter space &nbsp;
- HTML Comments <!--...-->
<!--This is a comment. Comments are not displayed in the browser-->
- HTML Images
<img src="smiley.gif" alt="Smiley face" > (alt specifies an alternate text for an image)

5. Practice with coding

First, send me your email, so I could invite you to a drop-box:
Also, bring the file with your photo (or put it into your dropbox) for working on the project in class, preferably not less than 375 pixsel width.


For working at home. You can download and use:
BBedit (for Mac)
Text Wrangler (for Mac)
Notrpad++ (for PC)
Sublime Text (for Mac and PC)
Brackets (for PC)
(my personal preference is Dreamweaver, but it is up to you. Besides, it is not free)

As a last resort you can use Notepad (PC) and TextEdit (Mac). They are available on all computers by default, but you have to type all codes manually; no help with colors or mistakes
Tutorial how to use Notepad (PC) and TextEdit (Mac)

Dreamweaver and Sublime text tutorials are on the RESOURCES page

It doesn’t matter with what program you code; you can start working using any program, then continue using another one, then another one, etc. The main part is the code itself, not a program

2. Study:

Important note:
We have too little time in class; therefore it is extremely important to study beyond the class time to know the material and practice.
1. How the Internet Works in 5 Minutes

2.Videos HTML5 Tutorial For Beginners:
Getting Started (7 minutes).
Text (6 minutes).
3.Video: Site structure, folders, files naming (7 minutes).
4. Textbook HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites :
      - Intro to the web, pages 7-9
      - Chapter 1, Structure
      - Chapter 2. Text, pages 40-51
5. Corresponding information in your HTML Handouts (always keep it with you in class; you will refer to it when you forget cods)

3. Continue practicing with coding:

- HTML Basics From the beginning to "Posting the website" part
- HTML at with "Try It Yourself" options! (all links at the left)
Study parts:
HTML Introduction
HTML Basic
HTML Elements
HTML Attributes
HTML Headings
HTML Paragraphs
HTML Text Formatting
HTML Comments
HTML Images

4. Practice creating a web page

- Think about a subject (whatever you want).
- Make a headline with <h1>.
- Write meaningful text, one paragraph.
- You can add some more elements, change colors, etc.
- Prepare your questions that could arise during your work

Put your page into your USB drive for now or dropbox