Professor Ellen Baryshev
Professor Ellen Baryshev


Help with the second comp of Guerrilla Marketing campaign in Photoshop

Working on Guerrilla Marketing campaign

Working on and finishing the second comp in Photoshop
Dropbox submission

Preparation for the final test

1. Study:
Chapter Advertising
Refresh all class materials
2. Final Test


Help with the first comp of Guerrilla Marketing campaign in Photoshop

Working on Guerrilla Marketing campaign

Working on and finishing the first comp in Photoshop
Dropbox submission


1. Discussion of the thumbnail sketches (ideas) and 2 sets of roughs

2. If we have time, some photoshop practice:

Put this person to this bus stop

Working on Guerrilla Marketing campaign

Beginning working on comps' execution in Photoshop; start with the first one.

Where to find high resolution and quality images for your project:
Note: Please prepare to spend sufficient amount of time to find high quality and resolution free images
8 Days (the list is a little down the page) (Russian, English)
Adobe Stock Images Free for One Month (you have to create account)
And more ...
Or just google high quality and resolution images


Learn/practice Photoshop

Photoshop tutorials, Photoshop tutorials, Photoshop tutorials!
Oh, did I mention Photoshop tutorials?
Photoshop tutorials, and many tutorials are also on Youtube


Discussion of the objective statement and concepts

You can use public transportation, but placing an average-size printed (or digital) ad is not a Guerrilla ad.
Please compare:
Guerrilla examples
Not Guerrilla example
Not Guerrilla example

Do not be afraid of technical tricks.

Example: running water illusion:
In case if you use running water (or any bevage, like vodka, vine, beer, soft drinks, juice, etc.) for your Guerrilla ad, here how simple it can be done (look at some student examples who used this idea)
Faucet Image
Video with explanation

A 3D billboard can be considered a form of guerrilla marketing if it is designed and placed in a way that is particularly creative, unexpected, and attention-grabbing
Nike Japan’s Air Max Day 3D Billboard
Resident Evil billboard at Times Square
Giant Cat in Tokio


November 28 - December 1 Thanksgiving - No Classes

Guerrilla Marketing Campaign

1. Finish the objective statement and description (dropbox submission)
2. Work on concept:
- Thumbnail sketches; develop several ideas
- Rougs, 2 sets
Guerrilla Marketing Capmaign Objective Statement Guideline
- Identify Your Goals: Know what you want to achieve.
- Know Your Audience: Understand who you're targeting.
- Be Creative: Think of unique ways to grab attention.
- Plan for Engagement: Encourage interaction from your audience.
- Measure Your Impact: Track how well your campaign is doing.

Before you ask:
No, you will not really build the settings or make a miniature model. You use the Photoshop skills to create the images, which will resemble the real settings as close as possible; as if you made the photos of them
Take a look at some student examples
(And again, learn Photoshop, you will need it all the time)


Short Video: What is Guerilla marketing?
History of Guerrilla Marketing
Several Guerrilla marketing descriptions with examples
It is a very interesting and useful subject; you can easily find more reading on the Internet

You will work on the Ambient type of Guerrilla Marketing, but if interested, you can find what are other types exist: Guerrilla marketing
- Ambient marketing.
- Ambush marketing.
- Stealth marketing.
- Viral/buzz marketing.
- Grassroots marketing.
- Astroturfing.
- Street marketing.

Working on Guerrilla Marketing Campaign

Important: before working on your project, do the assigned readings and study as much Guerrilla Marketing examples as possible. I provided a lot; also, there are plenty on the Internet

1. Choose a company product or public awareness campaign and research the product (services) of a company (organization).
2. Brainstorm, think about the objectives.
3. Work on the Objective Statement and Concept draft (because you might change your opinion regarding some details, no need to show it to me yet, only if you need an advice)
Objective Statement Guideline


Finishing Ad Campaign project
1. Final discussion of design issues
2. Final help with technical questions (perspective grid, cast shadow)


Working on Ad Campaign
1. Discussion of the ad campaign work in progress
2. Discussion design issues
3. Helping with technical questions

Work on the ad campaign

Finish at least 99% of the comps' work.



1. Discussion of the second Ad Redo.
Creative Ideas

Creativity is the process of constantly exploring NEW ideas and approaches to problem-solving.
You should be inspired by creative ideas, but if you feel that you already encounter some idea several times and it is not unique anymore, then do not use it – when it becomes cliché, it is not creative anymore
Example of Overused Idea

Save water – more creative ideas (today):
Dry land  
Save Water Campaign  

Also about plagiarism:
It a really difficult and confusing subject for creative people, but one thing is certain:
Copying the work of any designer or using photographs of another designer's work as part of one's work (without attribution or citation) is considered a form of plagiarism.

Fish poster from the internet
Dry Sahara background  

2. Ad Campaign - roughs discussion

- After discussion, continue working on your roughs, improving them considering my suggestions
- Start working on the professional design of your concept
- Develop the Comp (comprehensive).
You should work on your design with the attention to the creative form, structure and style of design parts and elements
The problems to solve: be original, develop a design style that is appropriate for your concept, establish unity with some variety among 3 ads, apply the principles of design: establish a visual hierarchy, experiment and choose the best layout, work with typography with professional knowledge, etc.

Work on comps in Photoshop or Illustrator, or combination of both

Ad Redo to make it really creative

Read the article
The Death of Originality: Are All Designs Starting to Look the Same?
Try to make your Ad really unique and creative

Working on ad campaign comps: develop and execute the professional design of your concept

You have plenty of time - 3 weeks

Finish at least 80% of the comps' work (the more the better).
Design and execution are two extremely important parts. All are important: imagery, typography, colors, small details, tweaking, polishing, etc.

Again, you should develop your Photoshop/Illustrator skils; these are your tools

File format:
Letter size – 8.5 x 11 inches (unless you have different proportions); resolution should not be lower than 150 dpi; 300 dpi is standard.
Very useful article: Understanding DPI, Resolution and Print
If you use an image, It’s important, to begin with a high-quality one, which means the highest resolution and image dimensions you can get.

Note: don’t confuse “image size” with “file size.” Image size refers to the dimensions of the image (in pixels), while file size is how much space the image takes up on a hard drive (kilobytes or megabytes).


First, a little video: Inspiration vs Plagiorism - use multiple resources for your inspiration

1. Developing the ad concept - HOW IT NEEDS TO BE SAID – the primary IDEA behind the piece.
The design concept is the creative solution to the design problem. The concept should COMMUNICATE the objectives in the best way: express the personality and spirit for the company, establish a headline, establish the image(s), unify all elements of your design, etc.
Examples of some ad campaignes; look at the style of each one:
Camphor Sculptures Fragrance (Hindu Gods)
Harley-Davidson Motorclothes
Be a Hero, Donate Blood
Love Your Snob FreshPet Food
Find more here

2. Thumbnails, roughs, comps and final work:
1. Thumbnails are very small sketches of design ideas (around 3x3 inches)
2. Roughs are the real size elaborated sketches with as many details as possible
3. Comps (comprehensives) are almost finals; that is what you show to the client for their final approval
4. Completely finished and polished final work for a client
Some examples:
Poster thumbnails
Logo thumbnails (with a final logo)
Thumbnail for Kellogg's package
Pencil rough for Kellogg's package
Roughs (brochure)
Roughs (brochure)
Western Ad Rough
Grand Central Terminal poster - work on Rough
Grand Central Terminal final poster (artist Yuko Shimizu )

Stages of developing the concept:
1. Thumbnails:
Thumbnails are your blueprint, if you think visually with thumbnails, you will eventually solve the problem.
Sketch or draw thumbnails. Looking at relevant information will give you a better understanding of the problem.
Research stimulates your mind, and brainstorming on paper gives the natural result.
2. Rough:
This is where you think through all the details. What colors should be used? What typefaces are needed to communicate your idea or message? You can use markers, color pencils, computer (then you have to print them in color), etc.
Choose the best ideas and develop thumbnails into roughs (so, totally there will be 3 roughs). The size is approximately 8.5x11 or 11x8.5 inches (the letter size).

Inspiration vs Plagiorism

Video: Inspiration vs. Copying For Creatives
Article: What is plagiarism in design and what is not?

Concepts, Thumbs, Roughs

1. Think about concepts for your ad campaign; create 2-3 completely different ideas
Make thumbnail sketches with these ideas
2. Choose your best idea and develop thumbnails into roughs (so, totally there will be 3 roughs).

AD REDO, the second improvement

Finish improving your AD REDO for the second time and submit it into the dropbox; name is Final2


1. Ad Redo discussion; what is creativity?
Battery for flashlight ads examples:

- Mediocre creativity ads
Long Lasting Power
Water Resistant

- Better ad (at least headline)
Bad Guys don't Glow in thr Dark

- Creative ads; different concepts and messages
Visual metaphor
Visual analogy

2. Advertising process overview
1. Subject research
2. Strategy Development, Objective Statement
3. Concept Generation
4. Thumbnail Sketches and Roughs
5. Professional Design
6. Professional Presentation

3. Objectives of advertising campaign
Advertising has three primary objectives: to inform (about brands, products, services, etc.), to persuade (to buy a product, to donate, to vote, to patticipate, etc.), to remind (mostly about such problems as global warming, sexual abuse, and others); and involves target audience.
We have to establish campaign objectives and write an objective statement
An objective statement summaries a campagn objectives; basically these are answers on the question WHAT.
Ad Campaign Plan

4. Headline
An ad headline is a group of a few words that promote a product or service; it emphasizes a product's primary purpose or benefit to a consumer.
Only ONE benefit should be expressed in an ad or ad campaign.

AD REDO exercise 2

How to be creative
Austin Kleon, "Steal like an Artist"
The author cautions that he does not mean ‘steal’ as in plagiarize, skim or rip off — but study, credit, remix, mash up and transform. Creative work builds on what came before, and thus nothing is completely original.
Austin Kleon at TED (listen several times his conclusion from 10:45 to the end)
Steal like an Artis (PDF book)

Example of not creative ad Duracell Smart Power
In addition, design problems:
The message is not strong
Focal point is the right spot at the lower right corner, which is not logical.
No clear alignment, absence of symmetry, no visual flow through this page.
No clear product representation.
To many different font sizes.
Color scheme of the logo failed to work


1. Choose any mediocre ad below and analyze – why it is mediocre: not clear message, not original, boring, bad design, etc
Note: You can use your first Ad Redo
2. Choose one of the ads from the Inspiration sites (click RESOURCES), and redo this mediocre ad, improving all negative things about it, following that inspiration ad as close as possible, but not copying it entirely (“Steal Like an Artist”)
Note: it has to be the same company and have the same message; how to change the rest of that ad (including headline) is up to you. Logically, it should look very different
Don't forget about looking at and analyzing very good ads for ideas / inspiration.
Some more examples of Good Print Ads

3. Submit your new ad to the dropbox

Mediocre Ads (not all of them bad):
Laundry Detergent
The Sheridan Food Mart
Graphic Design Program
Creative Ways to Document Your Time Abroad
Apache OpenOffice software
Water is Life, Save Water
Children follow examples, not words
Save Our Home, Earth Day
Global Warming
Sexual Assault

Working on your ad campaign

1. Read an article Advertising Objectives
2. Write an Objective Statement (dropbox submission)
3. Work on the campaign headline (create several to choose )
Tips for Creating Ad Headlines
Some Examples of Headlines
More Examples of Headlines (and creative ads)
4. Make several thumbnail skethches of your campaign visual ideas (dropbox submission)


1. To be a good designer you have to learn how to SEE AND UNDERSTAND WHAT IS GOOD, and apply that to your work.
Good design and clear concept examples:

Ads of the World
16 ad examples
Best print foood adverts
Ads on Pinterest

Advertising campaign is a series of coordinated ads in one or more media.
You have to choose a company and create a campaign consisting of 3 (image driving) print ads.
1. Choose a company, do research
2. Develop the strategy, write an objective statement including headlines
3. Work on concept, thumbnails and roughs
4. Roughs discussing, roughs improvement
5. Work on comps
6. Presentation

Ad Campaign Plan
Ad Concepts

Example - Red Label Tea print ad campaign:

More examples of some ad campaignes; look at the style of each one:
Faber-Castell: True Colours
Harley-Davidson Motorclothes
More examples

Working on ad campaign

1. Read Advertising.pdf (till page 335)
2. Study all Ad Campaign material
3. Think abou campaign to develop; come with several ideas
4. Work on research, the questions from the Strategy part will help to understand what exacly to look for.


1. Introduction

2. Choosing the project(s) for the semester

3. Ad Redo project explanation
Bad Ad design example

Analyze and practice

Some very bad ads:
Bad Ads 1
Bad Ads 2

Bad ads with explanations
Bad Ads explained 1
Bad Ads explayned 2

Article 4 things to avoid

Examples of good ads with comments
Good Ads 1
Good Ads 1

Ad Redo project:
Choose one (not extremely) bad ad from the above links
Keep all essential information, such as company name, product or service name, important text.
Change the design of this ad so it would look creative and professional: layout, image, fonts, colors, etc.
Note: you can use any software
Dropbox submission

These are guidelines:
Do Not list
Do Not Fonts