COMD 1100
Each question is 5 points

Please don't forget to put your name.
Put the letter of the correct answer under the corresponding number of the question on the paper that I provided.
After finishing the quiz, please return the paper to me

1. What is Graphic Design? (answer in a complete sentence)

2. _____________ is the organization or arrangement of the forms in any work of art
a) Rhythm
b) Balance
c) Dominance
d) Composition

3. What is one of the fundamental elements of design?
a) Visual hierarchy
b) Balance
c) Unity
d) Line

4. What is balance?
a) The general outline of something
b) An equal distribution of visual weight
c) Lightness and darkness of an element
d) None of the above

5. What is a focal point?
a) The arrangement of type and visuals on a printed or electronic page
b) An equal distribution of visual weight
c) The main area of interest on the page
d) All of the above

6. Imaginary line that connects the edges of elements, shapes and objects is called
a) Focal point
b) Unity
c) Alignment
d) Emphasis

7. A designer controls the attention of the viewers of the design with
a) Focal poind
b) Dominance
c) Visual hierarchy
d) All of the above

8. What is one of the fundamental principles of design?
a) Visual hierarchy
b) Shape
c) Color
d) Line

9. What is visual hierarchy?
a) The amount of white space
b) An equal distribution of visual weight
c) The order in which the human eye perceives what it sees
d) All of the above

10. Ranging the information from the most important to the least is called
a) Descender
b) Focal point
c) Execution
d) Hierarchy of information

11. The term ___________ refers to the way in which humans, when looking at a group of objects, will see the whole before we see the individual parts.
a) Unity
b) Balance
c) Variety
d) Gestalt

12. What are primary colors in subtractive color system?
a) Red, green, blue
b) Green, orange, violet
c) Cyan, magenta, yellow
d) Red, yellow, blue

13. What are primary colors in additive color system?
a) Red, green, blue
b) Green, orange, violet
c) Cyan, magenta, yellow
d) Red, yellow, blue

14. The property of color is
a) Tint
b) Value
c) Saturation
d) All of the above

15. The terming HUE means
a) Headline
b) Illustration
c) Color
d) None of the above

16. The synonym of the word “Intensity” is
a) Hue
b) Saturation
c) Contrast
d) Value

17. Complementary colors
a) Are across one another on the Color Wheel
b) Make a sharp contrast and help to make each other more active
c) Should not be used in full intensity and equal proportions
d) All of the above

18. Never use:
a) Comic Sans,
b) Curlz MT,
c) Monotype Corsica,
d) All of the above

19. What is the wrong answer?
To create a good design you should
a) Look at good design examples and analyze them
b) Thoroughly read the assignment text to understand its goal
c) Research the topic to have different point of departure for your design
d) Have only one idea for your design and develop it

20. What is the right statement?
a) You are aware of the class rules and the grading system because they are available for you on your class site
b) I always encourage you to ask questions if something is unclear
c) If you were absent, you are still responsible for submitting your homework on time
d) All of the above

Extra question:
_____________ is known for his tessellations and so-called Impossible Structures
a) Isaac Newton
b) Michelangelo
c) Mother Teresa
d) M.C. Escher